Flexible <strong>Shift Swap</strong> for Care Homes » ZEUS®

Flexible Shift Swap for Care Homes » ZEUS®

As part of Workforce Management, Staff Scheduling plays an important role in care homes. The various care capacities must be covered during the day and at night in order to ensure optimal care. In addition to the appropriate number of persons, the necessary qualifications must also be available. ZEUS® Staff Scheduling can ensure that staff are available exactly when you need them in order to achieve your goals in terms of care and efficient distribution of staff

However, even optimal planning can be disrupted if employees are absent or unavailable due to private appointments. Finding a quick and suitable solution is then the top priority for staff planners. However, due to the often limited access to colleagues, coordination is difficult and protracted. 

The flexible shift swap from ISGUS offers several possibilities. Employees can swap shifts with each other and thus react in advance. If the HR manager still has to intervene, he can simply offer the shift to unplanned colleagues and thus optimally respond to his employees. 

Benefits of the digital Shift swap
and the digital Shift offer:


The presence indicator board provides users with all information about employees that are scheduled for a fragile shift or a different shift, are not in use, are available in the reserve pool or are on an absence. The planner thus receives a list of suggestions, which he can use to immediately locate and directly address replacement staff in the event of sudden bottlenecks, in order to compensate for the staff shortage that has occurred.

The presence indicator board in ZEUS® eXperience suggests suitable substitutes in order to be able to react quickly and correctly in case of bottlenecks.
Interactively, the informed employees can accept or reject the offer. The planner can staff the shift transparently for everyone and without further effort through telephone calls, queries, etc.


The shift swap option allows employees, who cannot work their scheduled early, normal or late shift for whatever reason, to offer it to suitably qualified colleagues. Co-workers being prepared to swap the shift can declare their willingness in an interactive way. Finally, it is up to the planner to accept or refuse the shift swap request.

In principle, all those colleagues are eligible for a shift swap who belong to the same planning unit/department and, furthermore, are scheduled for the desired shift on the same day. Once an employee has triggered a shift swap request, all co-workers concerned will be automatically notified about a pending shift swap. They can directly declare their consent to the shift swap by clicking on the “Declare willingness to swap the shift” link embedded in the notification, for instance, via ZEUS® mobile.

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