<strong>Time and Attendance</strong> for <strong>SMEs</strong> ᐅ <strong>ZEUS® provides reasons</strong> to start now!

Time and Attendance for SMEsZEUS® provides reasons to start now!

Many small and medium-sized companies still use the old way of recording working hours. Either with pen and paper. Or manual input via Excel spreadsheets. The consequences are obvious.

Improved processes and increased efficiency

The use of a digital solution offers a number of advantages. Recording is no longer carried out manually. Instead, working hours or holiday requests are applied for and approved or rejected directly via the software. Advantage: Employees have more time to focus on their actual core tasks. The susceptibility to errors is also noticeably reduced. Another reason, especially for small and medium-sized companies, is the improved data collection of working hours and sick days. This in turn has a further effect: the burden on personnel administration is relieved in the long term.

Cost reduction

On the one hand, costs for paper documents, document storage and toner and printer costs are eliminated. Secondly, the software is linked to payroll accounting via an interface. This means that changes to payroll accounting can be recorded correctly and automatically.

Introducing ZEUS® Time and Attendance from ISGUS

With ISGUS by your side as a reliable partner, the implementation of ZEUS® Time and Attendance is assured to be a resounding success. Thanks to ISGUS' cutting-edge solution, you can effortlessly ensure legal compliance and tackle all time tracking tasks with utmost innovation, no matter where or when. As an added perk, employees enjoy enhanced flexibility and freedom in their work routine. Motivate your workforce by utilizing the intuitive ZEUS® mobile app on your smartphone for seamless workflow requests regarding corrections, absences, and business trips.

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